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How I got my old life back, post my decade of my Afib and SVT (Tachycardia) with Magnesium and mostly Amino Acid supplements

Just Afib and SVT info, what’s worked for me thus far, nothing being sold and NO ads.
Since end of summer 2018, i have been Afib and SVT episode free. [update, it is now Febr of 2021 and this is still the case] .. 
 That is HUGE for anyone affected by Afib (Heart or Cardiac Arrythmia) and or Atrial Tachycardia (Supra Ventricular Tachycardia or SVT). 
Thus far I have been keeping episode free with a very simple and researched regiment. 
This page is for sharing that regiment and the dosages that have been working for me. 
I have also been able to eliminate my prescription meds of Daltiezem (Cardizem), Lisinopril and aspirin (this with my cardio team being kept fully informed). 

The regiment (Just for Afib/SVT relief) consists of Liquid Ionic Magnesium, Taurine (all the following supplements in bulk powder form that are then weighed out) , Citrulline (as a better form of more readily absorbable Arginine) , CoQ10 and Carnitine. 

The daily dosages & methods are listed in freely downloadable and printable pdf files under the files section to the left. THIS is what has worked for me in eliminating my Afib and SVT thus far and getting my “old life back” , what i was able to enjoy before my Afib days.. For the curious the dosages JUST for this Afib/SVT regiment of mine are as thus — and this DOES NOT include the “natural blood thinner alternative” I also take to keep me off the statins and precription med blood thinners. That portion is also included in the regiment (consists of Natokinase, generic Pycnogenol alternative, and Hawthorn exctract), and I also take the Linus Pauling protocol, also listed on my regiment, of Vit C, Lysine and Proline for its “Drano” effect. —
The Primary Afib/SVT regiment daily dosages are these and one could divide them up into halves (twice daily, what i take now for convenience) 3x or even 4x a day, but that gets cumbersome with my schedule.. Here are the items and daily associated dosages tht I take: Liquid Ionic Magnesium at 400-600mg/day, Taurine at 20 GRAMS/day, Citrulline (Arginine substitute) at 6 GRAMS/day, Carnitine at 2 GRAMS/day and CoQ10 at 2.4Grams/day.
Please note: This post and this entire blog was/is a part of a dedicated FB peer sharing informational page with NO selling, NO ads, NO gimmicks, purely its only purpose was to share valuable info learned firsthand. However since FB is now continually censoring such content, Who knows why, .. perhaps it goes against the mainstream “narrative”, this venue was created in case FB decides to permanently shut down all such peer sharing informational resources. The FB link to this is FB.me/AfibRelief