Afib, SVT management with Magnesium and Amino Acids  (written summer of 2020)

This is a short reactionary post. Keep getting asked about the minimums. As in what would be the minimums that would be needed to effectively halt Afib and or SVT (aka Atrial Tachycardia) episodes ..

So first a disclaimer, I am not a medico of any type, just a peer, as such i can only report on what i have found effective and by association what other peers in similar circumstances have found effective along similar lines.. So I am merely reporting on what has worked personally and i am coming up now on 2 years of having stayed (for the most part) episode free from my now “former” Afib and SVT previous decade AND i am now meds free from prescription drugs as well AND with NO invasives procedures having been done like Ablations or maze or anything. (very short history at end of this)

So here goes, the May 2019 daily regimen (last daily regimen protocols list posted on this FB peer sharing info page) posted here on this page is a much more thorough regimen that covers a lot more than just Afib/SVT. Having said that, in my experience, the “essential minimums” directly targeting JUST Afib and SVT (Atrial Tachycardia) would consist of:

These are daily TOTALS: Everyday in a smoothie in split dosages, (refer to the Photo Essay here also about the daily preparation); 20 Grams of Taurine in bulk powder form divided by how many smoothies will be consumed, so say 20 GRAMS divided by 2 or 3 or 4 smoothies per day, so if 4 smoothies then 5 GRAMS per smoothie of Taurine. Then 6 Grams of Citrulline in bulk powder form as well (Citrulline as an Arginine substitute bcs it gets converted into Arginine rapidly anyways and is much more readily absorbed in this form), again divided up into the number of smoothies consumed. Then 2.4 Grams of CoQ10 in bulk powder form AND 600 – 800 mgms of liquid ionic magnesium for much better absorption than other forms of solid magnesium which would be much more difficult to absorb. I have tried a daily total of a gram or even 1.2 grams of liquid ionic magnesium but that gets into the laxative effect. Again NOT a gram at a single time but a gram split up into say 2-3 or even 4 daily doses. YMMV. Also Dr Carolyn Dean reccms a pinch of Pink Himalayan salt (readily availb on Amazon, its cheap) with the magnesium and that also has shown to be effective in dispersing needed trace minerals in the salt. Just a small pinch with each dose of magnesium.

Ok, so those are wat is termed the so called “Core4”. .. However I also use the following as absorption enhancers to really get the above absorbed more, pure piperine powder (100 mgms per day as daily total but spread out into each smoothie) , Vit B6 in pure powder form (100mgs to 200mgms per day in split divided dosages, but NEVER to exceed 200 mgms per day of Vit B6), Fulvic (not Folic) Acid in the form of Shilajit(Shilajit dosages are anywhere between 800mgs/day total to 1 Gram to even 2 Grams per day without adverse effects). –I am looking at switching from the Shilajit form of Fulvic Acid to pure liquid Fulvic Acid also– Fulvic Acid is reccm to be taken with ONLY spring water, NOT tap water, bcs most municipalites’ tap water still contains added Fluoride and Chlorine (not Chloride, that’s diffrent) and bcs Fulvic Acid relaxes the cell walls to make them more permeable and thus for the supplements to be more readily absorbed, so it is very UNDESIRABLE to also have the toxins mentioned in the tap water used for the smoothie prep. Also Fulvic Acid should be consumed 15 to 20 minutes before each smoothie to do its job properly of being effective in relaxing the permeability of the cell walls.

A word about Potassium. I choose NOT to supplement with either Calcium (Cardizem or Daltiazem, which were my former meds are Calcium blockers, so i especially DO NOT supplement with Calcium and prefer to have a good vegan diet where enough Calcium is taken in) nor Potassium (Potassium supplementation in greater than RDA guidelines can lead to severe kidney problems). However I make sure i always have enough Potassium in diet. RDA is almost 4 Grams, bananas contain bet 300-400 mgs each of Potassium and dried figs especially are very high in it, 10 dried figs are 1.4 grams or there abouts of it.

Now also refer to the Iodine post here on this informational peer sharing page, bcs as another user has quoted in tht post, “all the Taurine” would have done “nuthin” if the Iodine condition wasn’t first corrected.. That ONLY affects some of us Afib’ers and SVT’iers, but no where near ALL of us.

As to a very quick personal history: I am now 61 (in 2020) and started getting SVT (Atrial tachy, extremely rapid heartbeat) episodes in my early 50’s. Got hospitalized at 57 and formally diagnosed with paroxysmal Afib and at 59, 2 years ago, finally took matters into my own hands and with the cooperaiton of my team of 2 cardio docs gradually got weaned off of the meds (was on Daltiazem [aka Cardizem], Lisinopril and aspirin, all in rearview now). Identified and managed my triggers which for me are NO caffeine for last 2 years, manage alcohol intake well (2-3 times a week only a watered down wine or a couple brews), also manage my chief trigger, high blood pressure with natural supplements as well. Have found that as long as i stay “on the wagon”, meaning the above daily regimen (i actually take more than these supps, for things like managing blood pressure and natural anti coagulant alternatives like Natokinase and Pycnogenol) i stay episode free. I first noticed a diffrence a few days in the first week when i started this, 2 years ago. However i DID adhere to the dosages cited, bcs oft times i get told that someone tried it and it didnt work only to find out they were consuming NO WHERE near the dosages of Taurine and Arginine/Citrulline cited in the 2006 key study done by George Eby and Dr Halcomb on Afib/SVT/Premature ectopic heart beats and the use of Taurine coupled with Arginine. Feel free to google that 2006 study.

Good journey to everyone. Wishing everyone an episode free, joyous and exhilarating existence !! –Pete

Please note: This post and this entire blog was/is a part of a dedicated FB peer sharing informational page with NO selling, NO ads, NO gimmicks, purely its only purpose was to share valuable info learned firsthand. However since FB is now continually censoring such content, Who knows why, .. perhaps it goes against the mainstream “narrative”, this venue was created in case FB decides to permanently shut down all such peer sharing informational resources. The FB link to this is